Sunday, September 10, 2006

Google Spreadsheets

What's New

My Website Excel and Google Spreadsheets
- August 21, 2007 -

DailyTech - Google Distributes Sun's StarOffice for Free
DailyTech August 16, 2007 2:21 PM

Star Office 8 Sun Micro Systems

I will try it here in Japan. What difference does it make from Google Spreadsheets?
I will find out.

August 19, 2007

Beijing Olympics Schedule - Google Docs & Spreadsheets

Calendar Template on Google Spreadsheets

August 16, 2007

Here comes, finally or at last for Excel fans who love Google as well, Google Spreadsheets.

Google Spreadsheets - Sneak Peek

To sign in Welcome to Google Spreadsheets

Google Directory - Computers > Software > Spreadsheets > Excel > Add-Ins

Excel Cell Locator

The expanse of Excel, as "spreadsheet" implies, is fully used to store and locate data.

Each cell on its sheet is addressed by the column and row, so it is easy to locate the cell with its address (e.g. A1).

The number of columns on a single sheet is 256 and rows, 65,536.

Excel cell locator - Google Search lists websites giving ideas on how to understand and use "Excell, whoops, Excel cell locator".

Excel Cell Locator